Small actions. Big impact.

About Studio Tigris

Studio Tigris is dedicated to helping social purpose brands thrive and make a positive impact on the world.

We are based in London, UK.

We're on a mission to transform communities by partnering with social purpose organizations,
providing innovative digital design that enhances their ability to make a lasting, positive impact.

Holly King

Holly is the heart and creative force behind Studio Tigris. When she founded the business in 2019, she didn’t quite think it all the way through (which is how most really good stories begin). But, she knew that she wanted to propel the work of people doing worthwhile, wholehearted, justice-focused, life-saving things forward. And that was all the reason she needed.

As a child, Holly never asked ‘why’, but she insisted on knowing ‘how’. She’s a go-getter; always moving ideas and businesses forward, while making them beautiful, practical and compelling along the way.

Joshua King

Josh is the architect of Holly’s bold ideas, and grounds Studio Tigris’ work by making it realistic and functional. He is constantly thinking about how to maximise anything from good to superb, and he has a business degree to show he means business.

As the oldest of nine children, he is conscientious, selfless and has a generous dose of good humour that is required in such a large family. He is at the helm of Studio Tigris, guiding and directing the business with steady hands.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What  is a social purpose organization?

At Studio Tigris, we define Social Purpose Organizations as entities committed to creating positive social impact and addressing societal challenges. These organizations operate with the primary goal of advancing social good, often focusing on areas such as:

Social Justice: Advocating for and implementing policies that promote equality and human rights.
Environmental Sustainability: Working towards the protection and preservation of the environment.
Health and Well-being: Providing essential services and support to improve the health and quality of life of individuals and communities.
Education and Empowerment: Offering educational resources and opportunities to empower people and communities.
Community Development: Enhancing the social and economic well-being of communities through various initiatives.

We include any organizations working towards the 17 sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations in our definition.

Social Purpose Organizations can include non-profits, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups, social enterprises, and other mission-driven entities. Our collaboration with these organizations is rooted in a shared commitment to making a lasting, positive impact through innovative and thoughtful digital design solutions.

What services do you offer?

We offer creative design services  and web development services. We help social purpose organizations drive real impact in these areas.

More specifically, our capabilities include:

Brand Messaging
Brand voice and tone
Tagline and slogan creation
Mission and vision Statements
Key messaging framework

Logo design
Color Palette and typography
Iconography and patterning
Brand guidelines

Marketing Collateral
Stationery (business cards, letterheads etc.)
Brochures and posters
Presentation decks

Website Services
Custom UX/UI
Responsive website designs
Webflow development
WordPress Development
CMS Integration
E-commerce Development

Website Maintenance
Regular Updates
Security Monitoring
Bug Fixes
Performance Optimization
Backup and Recovery

Content Creation
Social posts

How much do your services cost?

Our services are priced on a project-by-project basis, depending on the scope of work and the specific needs of the project. However, we offer a variety of packages to fit different budgets. To get an accurate estimate, please complete this form to provide us with some basic information about your project. Once we have this information, we can provide you with a detailed estimate and timeline for your project.

How long does it take to complete a project?

The length of time it takes to complete a project depends on the scope of work. We will provide you with an estimated timeline with your proposal.

Do you offer free revisions?

Yes. We want to make sure that you are happy with our work, so we offer one free revision for each deliverable of your project.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us by phone, email, or through our website using the button below. We would be happy to answer any questions you have about our services.

Where does the name "Tigris" come from?

Sounds like: tai·gruhs.

Our name comes from the Tigris river, which has been a symbol of life, nourishment, and progress for centuries. It’s a small, almost insignificant river, which has had a profound impact on human history over thousands of years.

We believe that design can be a powerful tool for profound social change, and we are committed to creating work that has a positive impact on the world. We believe that even small actions can make a big impact.

Still have questions?

Reach out to us here. We'd love to hear from you!